The Pleasure Path to Personal Power

Just finished posting to Instagram on the guiding capacity of pleasure, it’s ability to help you experience not only pleasure, but more pleasure, and then more pleasure still. Pleasure, pleasure, pleasure.

Did you just cringe? I know many women do when a conversation turns to the topic of pleasure. For some it’s associating pleasure with sexual pleasure - which can be a thorny topic for women - and for others it pushes that button that says we must not own our pleasure directly, but only in stealth-mode and as a by-product of satisfying others.

So talking about pleasure and it’s pursuit by women is already challenging taboos - ones that in my opinion need to be long gone. But more importantly, re-engaging one’s pleasure can activate a significant through-line to what animates us and brings us joy.

Said another way, pursuing pleasure is really awakening an important mechanism for discovering who we are. Not just “who we are,” but who we really are. Each one of us has a “pleasure-fingerprint” that’s uniquely ours and can be known.

As vital as pleasure can be to re-animating your life and bringing the authentic You into focus, a pleasing life will remain an elusive prize as long as your primary focus of pleasure is “out there,” vs. the experience of pleasure “in here.”

Because “out there” pleasure parades the end-point, what pleasure can look like and most often looks like to those deemed worthy of having pleasure (by virtue of their income, or fame, or status, or “looks.”) But this more superficial parade of “pleasure” may have no real connection to what in fact brings you pleasure. In fact your pleasure might not be represented “out there” at all.

So pleasure, your pleasure, must first be an inside job.

What does pleasure feel like to you? How does it vibrate, feel, move, think? And how do you vibrate, feel, move and think when in the flow of your own pleasure?

And do you know the full range of your pleasure, from a simple place of peace and ease all the way to the elevated, high-flying, breathless moment, and more, do you know what provokes this experience in you?

Studying your pleasure is the way to uncover it’s many subtleties, its hues and shades. And once discovered and known, you will have a much easier time noticing opportunities for pleasure when they present in the outer world. Real opportunities in keeping with your real pleasure.

This is how pleasure moves from an internal knowing to an authentic external pursuit.

This is the path to a life of pleasure. This is also the path to self-discovery, which is the root of your personal power. Power through pleasure.

Now that’s a good one.

I encourage you to seek your pleasure today; even a sliver of pleasure will set you on a rich path of self-discovery.

Thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you.

In Aliveness,


Eva Papp